Thursday 6 May 2010

Advanced Animation

This is the animation I have made for a module in uni. I was asked to create an animation which conveys a change in emotion using expression and so I decided to animate a girl playing a game and when her controller dies mid game she gets angry and throws her controller. I did not make the rig myself but that was not part of the module. Enjoy!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Advanced Animation

Here is a still of the living room I have just built this afternoon for my Advanced Animation module :D

Thursday 21 January 2010

Colour Test

Here is a colour test of my character

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Personal Project

I now have a final character design and so I started modelling her are some images so far :D

Final Animtion

Advanced Visualisation - Here is a link to the animation I made about the creepy girl -

Thursday 17 December 2009

Idea Change!

I have decided to change my idea for Advanced Visualisation. She is no longer going to be in her she is going to be on a swing in the dark humming to herself and then the swing next to her is going to move like someone is on it but to us there is no one there. Then she smiles and says "He's here". She's then going to get off the swing and walk away humming her tune and she'll have her hand out like she's holding someone's hand but again no one is there. Think this will work much better than my original idea :D

Thursday 26 November 2009


I finally started skinning my character for Advanced Visualisation today. It's not as painful as I thought it was going to be...however I have not moved her yet. I definitely prefer Maya's method of applying weight to Max's method. I'll probably have another update tomorrow complaining about how awful skinning is and how I don't want to do it anymore once she doesn't move how I want her to! haha